Members Services
WCRA is committed to using their knowledge, expertise and professional approach to continually supporting their Members and the wider waste management industry. Lobbying efforts to save jobs within the industry, overcoming challenges, building a strong support network and liasing with various government departments and bodies.

WCRA has in conjunction with various training partners developed short and long format courses that are tailored to the waste and recycling industry utilising real-world examples

Attending our events can provide valuable knowledge and networking opportunities for professionals in the waste and recycling industry, as well as help our members stay current on industry trends and initiatives.
Employee Relations

WCRA is committed to assisting its Members with ensuring compliance with industrial relations matters and can assist Members on a wide range of workplace relations issues, providing services & information.
Policy Review

WCRA regularly reviews policies and procedures to keep your organization up to date with the latest regulations and technology, as well as consistent with the industry's best practices.
Toolbox Talks

Attending our events can provide valuable knowledge and networking opportunities for professionals in the waste and recycling industry, as well as help our members stay current on industry trends and initiatives.
Work Health & Safety

WCRA is committed to assisting its Members with ensuring compliance with industrial relations matters and can assist Members on a wide range of workplace relations issues, providing services & information.
Industry Groups
WCRA is committed to using their knowledge, expertise and professional approach to continually supporting their Members and the wider waste management industry. Lobbying efforts to save jobs within the industry, overcoming challenges, building a strong support network and liasing with various government departments and bodies.
Construction & Demolition Group Asbestos in waste
Waste levies on land fill
Managing demolition waste
Recovered Fines
Waste levies on land fill
Managing demolition waste
Recovered Fines
Liquid & Hazardous Waste Group Environmental concerns
Grease trap legislation
Agreements with Sydney Water
Materials Recovery Facility Group
Container Deposit Scheme
Recycling Capacity
China's National Sword Policy
ACT Group Meetings located in Queanbeyan Legislations specifically for ACT ACT Waste Feasibility Study
Young Professionals GroupMeetings held to discuss and to celebrate industry issues and success and to promote professional development.
WHS Group
SafeWork NSW Updates
NHVR Updates
Chain of Responsibility
Legislations Updates
(02) 9604 7206
Unit 2, 12-16 Daniel Street,
Wetherill Park NSW 2164