Life Members
WCRA acknowledges the following Life Members for their service to the waste management industry and the Waste Contractors & Recyclers Association

Current Life Members are as follows:
- Bernadette Byrnes
- Terry Dene
- Mike Noble
- Barry Thomas
- Harry Wilson>
- Glenn Gauslaa
- Jeff Brandstater
- Greg Turner
- Tony Khoury
- David Harrison
- James Perry
- Mike Creswell (deceased 2015)
- Ron Horswell OAM (deceased 2007)
- Arthur Baker (deceased 2020)
- Ron Horswell OM (deceased 2007)
Have we missed anyone ? Please let us know !
WCRA stays connected with their members
Long Serving Members
WCRA acknowledges Long Serving Members for their service to the waste management industry and the Waste Contractors & Recyclers Association

Long Serving Members will be entitled to the following:
• Invitation to an annual luncheon (previously known as the Retiree’s Lunch) where they will receive an update on topical industry issues.
• Email updates on matters of interest.
• (At the discretion of the Executive Director) one Long Serving Member will be invited to attend and present at WCRA’s regular Waste & Resource Recovery training sessions
• Invitation to a lunch meeting at the WCRA offices where they will participate in the annual Youth in Waste judging process (with the winner to be announced at the WCRA Annual Dinner).
The Executive met on 14 December 2021 and decided to proceed with a Long Serving Member offer and a group profile will be set up in the WCRA database for Long Serving Members. Each Member will have their name, mobile and email recorded. Step 1 will involve converting the current Retiree’s Lunch list into this profile and Step 2 the WCRA Executive to review and approve all additions and deletions thereafter, which will be documented and authorised via the monthly executive meeting.
(02) 9604 7206
Unit 2, 12-16 Daniel Street,
Wetherill Park NSW 2164